John Prendergast - In Victoria

An Evening Talk of Meditation & Inquiry

In-Person at the Victoria Friends Meeting House in Victoria, BC

Friday, May 16th, 2025


A guide to connecting with your deepest ground—a rootedness that supports authentic psychological healing and embodied spirituality.

In John J. Prendergast’s decades of experience as a psychotherapist and spiritual teacher, the area of the body that’s most difficult for many people to connect with, given our experiences with trauma and survival fear, is our physical and energetic ground. This area in the lower belly and at the base of the spine corresponds with the root chakra in the Indian subtle body tradition, the lower dan tien in Taoism, and the hara in Japanese martial arts. While most spiritual traditions focus on opening the mind and the heart, they tend to avoid or undervalue the opening of the ground. Prendergast notes, “It remains largely unconscious and deeply defended.” However, with the correct understanding and quality of attention, we can consciously open our multidimensional ground and, as a result, experience a felt-sense of inner safety and stability that supports the full flowering of inner peace, freedom, and loving awareness—a truly embodied spirituality.

Your Deepest Ground invites readers to take a deep dive into their personal, archetypal, and universal ground, and to see through the false ground of their early conditioning and limited identity. Using authentic anecdotes and conversations drawn from his teaching, and accompanied by refined sensing and inquiry practices, Prendergast guides the reader in a unique groundbreaking and ground-opening exploration.

Your Deepest Ground is a book of wise and subtle guidance through the intricate process of embodying our greatest spiritual insights and transformations.”

Adyashanti, author of Falling into Grace

An evening gathering with John

When: Friday, May 16th

Time: 7pm-9pm

Where: Victoria Friends (Quaker) Meeting House - 1831 Fern St, Victoria, BC

Cost: $25

Registration: There is limited seating at the Quaker House, so we will not be selling tickets at the door.


Cancellation Policy: Sales are final.

Email addresses: Registrants emails will be shared with John’s organization. Otherwise, your email will never be sold or shared in any way.

Questions: Please contact Marlene, Associate Director at PGI, at


John J. Prendergast (1950 - ) was born and raised in Silicon Valley before there was any silicon. Instead, Santa Clara valley was full of orchards - plum and cherry - and wild mustard in the spring. He attended UC Santa Cruz when it was still small and experimental. There his spiritual search began in earnest. He attended a series of long meditation retreats in his twenties, before beginning his graduate studies in psychology.

He met his first teacher, the European Advaita master Jean Klein, in 1983 and studied with him until his death in 1998. He began studying with this second teacher, Adyashanti, in 2001.

He was a professor of psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco for twenty-three years where he taught and supervised masters level counseling students. He has had a private psychotherapy practice since 1985.

Non-Duality Victoria - Non-Duality Victoria offers meditation gatherings at the Friends (Quaker) Meeting House on Fern St in Victoria and Meditation Retreats in Ucluelet, BC.


Additional Event on Sat May 17th -

A Daylong Intensive with John Prendergast