Sneak peak at new program
Non-Dual Meditation -
Teacher Training
2-year training starts on Jan 6th, 2026
Next Intro to Non-Dual Meditation - June 1st, 2025
What makes this training different?
Many meditation teacher trainings are lineage specific. This program is trans-lineage - following the perennial thread that runs through multiple non-dual traditions.
Some teacher trainings place the emphasis on the progressive path teachings. The Non-Dual teacher training accents the direct path and pathless path teachings of nondual wisdom.
Distinct from traditions that emphasize practice as a means to cultivation, this teaching training puts the accent on meditation as a felt sense of rightness, alignment, attunement, and intimacy.
Some teachings present enlightenment as the goal. In this program, embodied awakening is the goal, as Arvis Justi (Adyashanti’s teacher) used to say “Enlightenment is just getting your foot in the door”.
It is common for non-duality teachings to infer that everything is perfect just as it is. While true, this understanding is incomplete. The notion that non-duality may encourage avoidance of the messiness of the world is not only a gross misperception, but a dangerous one.
In this 2-year program, leading towards certification as a Non-Duality Meditation Teacher, trainees will be steeped in multiple traditions and diverse lineage masters, including:
Advaita Vedanta Ch’an / Zen Kashmir Shaivism
Taoism Kabbalah Sufism
Heritage Teachers
Ramana Maharshi Nissargatta Maharaj Amanada Krishna Menon
Baal Shem Tov. Ibn Arabi. Lao Tzu
Questions: Please contact Marlene, Associate Director at PGI, at
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