A Follow-Up to the Non-duality Roundtable
In 2023, I hosted the Non-Duality Roundtable, an online conversation between three of my personal teachers, during which I inquired if non-duality had anything to offer to the emerging metacrisis. Some viewers of the roundtable were disappointed with their responses, as one testifies below:
“The Non-Duality Roundtable was a beautiful profound discussion of rare depth and sensitivity, with one major deficit - most of the panelists, other than John Prendergast, appeared not to appreciate the magnitude or urgency of the metacrisis, or to have good ideas about how spiritual practices and practitioners could contribute effectively to working with it.”
In retrospect, I wish I had worked harder to engage the panelists in a discussion about the relevance and grave urgency of the metacrisis. My regret at having missed such a golden opportunity to explore non-dual responsibility in that forum led me to write this article.
What: Jonathan will deliver his brand-new essay, Non-Duality & the Metacrisis
Group discussion will follow immediately after the reading.
This event is a follow-up to the Non-Duality Roundtable.
Where: Zoom
When: Wed Aug 28th, 11am-12:15pm PDT (2pm - 3:15pm EDT)
Cost: By Donation
At the end of the event, a donation appeal will be sent to you. You needn’t contribute in order to attend or receive the paper and recording. This is a no-paywall gathering. That said, for those who can make a contribution, kindly do so to enable us to continue to offer no-paywall events in the future.
What you will receive:
Zoom link for Wed Aug 28th reading of the brand new paper
Recording of the event (if you cannot make it LIVE)
A copy of the brand new paper.
Registration: Below
“To omit relating to the metacrisis would be like continuing a meditation retreat on the Titanic.”
This is a call to our fellow meditators to collectively address the metacrisis of our times within our non-dual practice. Our ability to engage in non-dual contemplation is predicated on a functioning earth-life system.
Register HERE
to attend live and to receive the recording/paper afterwards.
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