The Path of Presence and the Path of Purpose are One!
Enlightened Awareness is the foundation of purpose guiding and purpose discovery work. What is needed is an experiential understanding that we are not human beings on a spiritual journey but are spiritual beings on a human journey.
The practice of meditation helps us to de-locate our essential nature as being identical with thoughts, sensations and perceptions. Meditation helps us know that we are the awareness in which these phenomena arise and out of which they are made.
True calling to live our purpose is instigated by the Mystery wanting to embrace a unique purpose through a unique body-mind. We support individuals to experience that which inspires a person to discover their purpose
We can come to know that the Being of Spirit, and the Becoming of Soul are both expressions of Mystery. At PGI, we teach the path of presence and the path of purpose as a seamless whole.
At PGI, we don't only ask "Who am I?" but we also ask, "What am I to do?"